Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine

At the Autumn Teaching Clinic, student acupuncturists offer $15 treatments supervised by experienced Registered Acupuncturists. Acupuncture uses sterile, single-use filiform needles, as well as round-tipped massage tools to gently promote circulation in blood vessels, nerves, skin and muscles. Its sister therapy, moxibustion, involves burning the fine hairs of mugwort leaf on or near the ski... Read More

At the Autumn Teaching Clinic, student acupuncturists offer $15 treatments supervised by experienced Registered Acupuncturists.

Acupuncture uses sterile, single-use filiform needles, as well as round-tipped massage tools to gently promote circulation in blood vessels, nerves, skin and muscles. Its sister therapy, moxibustion, involves burning the fine hairs of mugwort leaf on or near the skin to apply heat, infrared light and essential oil. This technique triggers a healing response and improves cell metabolism, reduces inflammation and boosts the immune system. Acupuncture and moxibustion are tools that a practitioner uses to re-establish healthy circulation of blood, fluids, nutrients, and information. This circulation follows complex pathways that are intelligent and interconnected everywhere in the body. At the heart of this practice is resonance. A change to one part of the body can ripple along a pathway—through blood vessels, skin, muscle, fat, or bone—to create a change elsewhere. Injuries and illness can follow these paths, and so can healing. An acupuncturist makes small changes to damaged tissues and disregulated circulation patterns, ultimately restoring the body’s own mechanisms for healing.

You will be matched with a student acupuncturist when you arrive at the Autumn Teaching Clinic. Students work in teams of 3 under the supervision of a professional registered acupuncturist. Only one student will provide the treatment. The other students on your health care team are there for additional support and collaboration to help your student acupuncturist provide the best possible care during your time at the clinic.

You will be matched with a student acupuncturist when you arrive at the Autumn Teaching Clinic. S... Read More

These treatments are done in a peaceful group setting designed to help you feel supported and at ease.

We use distal needling—placing needles on the arms, legs, head, and ears—to safely and effectively relieve pain without touching sensitive areas or removing clothes.

If appointments are all booked, drop-ins are welcome!

These treatments are done in a peaceful group setting designed to help you feel supported and at ... Read More

You will be matched with a student acupuncturist when you arrive at the Autumn Teaching Clinic. Students work in teams of 3 under the supervision of a professional registered acupuncturist. Only one student will provide the treatment. The other students on your health care team are there for additional support and collaboration to help your student acupuncturist provide the best possible care during your time at the clinic.

You will be matched with a student acupuncturist when you arrive at the Autumn Teaching Clinic. S... Read More

These treatments are done in a peaceful group setting designed to help you feel supported and at ease.

We use distal needling—placing needles on the arms, legs, head, and ears—to safely and effectively relieve pain without touching sensitive areas or removing clothes.

If appointments are all booked, drop-ins are welcome!

These treatments are done in a peaceful group setting designed to help you feel supported and at ... Read More

You will be matched with a student acupuncturist when you arrive at the Autumn Teaching Clinic. Students work in teams of 3 under the supervision of a professional registered acupuncturist. Only one student will provide the treatment. The other students on your health care team are there for additional support and collaboration to help your student acupuncturist provide the best possible care during your time at the clinic.

You will be matched with a student acupuncturist when you arrive at the Autumn Teaching Clinic. S... Read More

You will be matched with a student acupuncturist when you arrive at the Autumn Teaching Clinic. Students work in teams of 3 under the supervision of a professional registered acupuncturist. Only one student will provide the treatment. The other students on your health care team are there for additional support and collaboration to help your student acupuncturist provide the best possible care during your time at the clinic.

You will be matched with a student acupuncturist when you arrive at the Autumn Teaching Clinic. S... Read More

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Located at: 91 Sackville Drive, Suite 206, Lower Sackville
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